Titchfield Haven Community Hub Limited
Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve spans the River Meon as it flows into the Solent at Hill Head. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a RAMSAR site - a wetland of international importance - and a Special Protection Area for the wide range of birds that live in or visit the site. It was acquired by Hampshire County Council in 1972 and a successful lottery bid led to the opening of Haven House - built in about 1820 - as the Haven Visitor Centre in 1998. Since then, the Visitor Centre has enjoyed 85,000 visits a year, supporting the nature reserve.
Hampshire County Council announced on 27 September 2022 its intention to close and sell Haven House Visitor Centre and the former warden's house Haven Cottage, which had been listed in January 2022. A massive campaign saw 13,600 signatures on the petition and 3000 emails and letters to the Executive Member objecting to the closure, but Hampshire County Council took the decision on 8 December to close Haven House on 23 December 2022 and sell both it and Haven Cottage.
Their plans had to be held back, however, as on 11 November 2022 Fareham Borough Council had approved the listing of Haven House as an Asset of Community Value, meaning that Haven House could not be marketed for six months, during which time only a community interest group could bid for it.
Meanwhile Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT) had expressed its interest in acquiring both Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve and, possibly, Haven House, working with the local community. The Trust is currently developing a business plan for acquisition of the nature reserve.
On 15 March, Titchfield Haven Community Hub Limited charitable community benefit society was registered by the Financial Conduct Authority: this is the local charity which is preparing the business plan to acquire Haven House and re-open and develop it as Titchfield Haven Community Hub.
Hampshire County Council made a commitment to co-operate fully with HIWWT and the local community, and business planning is at an advanced stage. The completed plan was submitted to Hampshire County Council on 13 June.